Thanks for visiting my little blog, Please note that this is my online diary, thoughts & feelings expressed on this blog are mine & mine alone. I hope that you will take the time to comment & tell me what you think about the things that I write. If you do not wish to know what I am thinking in my tiny little head then please do not read on, but I will not apoloize for my spelling (although I'm trying to be better!) or my posts!

Thanks for stopping by,
Princess Steph

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ten things that suck for You about not dating Me

I recently went through an experience of meeting someone through Twitter that I was really looking forward to meeting in person and potentially having more than a friendship with. (For more information on the “gentleman” please see posts such as “Regretting recent decisions about my blog and a New Disclaimer” and “Maybe he’s scared”.) When the “gentleman” put a stop to things a few weeks ago, for whatever reason (I wrote about him on my blog, I think he needed another excuse), I have realized that I had a lot of plans in the works for us (or any boy really) that I would date that make me fabulous. Now particular for you “gentleman” I have tailored the list of “Ten things that suck for You about not Dating Me”:

1) I am a pretty friggin cool girl. I love to have fun. I am caring and nice and empathetic and wonderful. You, my friend, are missing out.

2) Knowing your obsession with stockings, fabulous garters and spectacular lingerie etc. I had spoiled myself (and you) at Secrets and Lace. The stuff has arrived, it is gorgeous, and I feel fabulous and sexy in it.

3) I love to cook for people. It is one of my favourite things. Too bad so sad. I had a cocktail hour planned for our first meeting. Champers, lovely appetizers, you already told me what you were going to wear and I knew what I was going to wear. It is so sad. The Foie Gras terrine is going to have to be used on another boy…..

4) I am smart. Not as smart as you in some areas, but smart. I could keep you busy and entertained. Plus, little did you know that we share many of the same political views. Just saying.

5) I am currently embarking on 15 days at the Ritz Carlton in Jamaica, boyfriends, husbands included and paid for ……

6) I am the perfect gift giver. I had purchased you lovely cobalt and platinum montblanc cufflinks (which I have now returned) and a pair of silver inukshuk cufflinks (which I am keeping) Your fave colour and a bit of Canadian to make you feel a bit special in the middle of winter. By-the-by they were both fab.

7) I have access to Superbowl Tickets and I know how much you love football. Not that it matters, but I also have access to condos in Miami on the beach. Sounds like the perfect Feb long weekend no??

8) I love to spoil boys, by buying them things, but especially in bed. It makes me happy when they are happy.

9) I really love to explore life and want to find someone to do that with.  Whether that be, eating, drinking, theater, shopping, new art exhibits, walking around a new city or the city where I live, these are things that excite me and that i want to share with someone else.

10) I am awesome!

At the end of this list I find myself sad that I am not sharing myself with someone.  I find myself sad that I am not sharing my plans with "gentleman" as I was really excited to do that.  I also realize that he is missing a lot too.  I am a great person.  I deserve a lot.  I deserve someone who wants to spend time with me.  Who wants me to spoil them.  Who wants me to share things with them.  #thatisall.


JWZ1978 said...

Fabulous post. I think it's so important to focus on the positives, like how awesome you are, and not the negative (like what a jackknob that guy was). Whatever his reason, I say count yourself lucky :) Now after this, I'm just wishing that I was a boy, I do love football ;0) Have a fabulous trip to Jamaica, you never know who you might meet in a tropical paradise!

Treacle said...

Girl, this had me cracking up and nodding at the same time! I agree with everything on this list, but especially #2.

Did you know I started my lingerie blog after a break-up because I didn't want all the sexy I bought to go to waste? For serious.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a kind comment. I can't tell you how much it means to me. :-)

Anonymous said...

love the post!
eloise, you are much too fabulous to be worry about him.
I still think he has a girlfriend, wife, mistress or all three or severe erectile dysfunction.
good riddance.


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