Thanks for visiting my little blog, Please note that this is my online diary, thoughts & feelings expressed on this blog are mine & mine alone. I hope that you will take the time to comment & tell me what you think about the things that I write. If you do not wish to know what I am thinking in my tiny little head then please do not read on, but I will not apoloize for my spelling (although I'm trying to be better!) or my posts!

Thanks for stopping by,
Princess Steph

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A silent rally for no more smartphones on the table

I used to be one of those cell phone/smartphone/iphone/blackberry person who had their phone on the table at every meal, it glowing/buzzing/vibrating as friends checked in with me/posted pictures/sent me messages/updated their status, then I went to Argentina.

In Buenos Aires, no one has cell phones out in a public space and especially not sitting out on a table ready to be snatched.  It is also a different society. More European.  Meals are truly there to enjoy the food being served and the company that you are sharing it with.  People engaged with conversation, were never looking at their 5th appendage (smartphone) as if to see if there might be something better going on or what the friends they weren't dining with were doing.  There was a sense that a camera, or using my iPhone was ok, if I wanted to snap a pic or two of who was at the table or what we were eating. 

Fast forward to June 2011.  I've been home for 6 months now and I still find it weird to sit down at a table of 3 human and 3 smartphones, our "uninvited guests".  I know that one day I will be more comfortable with them again, and yes my iPhone and iPad will be my date for the night, but for now I am flying solo.  I leave the phone in my handbag, only checking it if necessary.  It is like I am silently protesting this activity at the table by sitting quietly when others are using their phones, waiting to speak until they put the phones down and not pulling out my phone every other minute. 

I challenge others too, for one meal with friends, leave your phone in your pocket/bag.  See what happens when others at the table realize that you are focused on their company 120%.  I'm by no means asking for an abolition of the smartphone (Lord knows I would die without mine), but I am asking you to try leaving your uninvited quest off the table and just being in the moment with good friends, good food and wine.....  (Pictures of food, of course, are totally acceptable :-) )


byproductofbipolar said...

This is fantastic! I'm really impressed with your blog as someone with Bipolar II & Hypomania myself. How do I follow you on twitter.

PrincessSteph said...

you can follow me at @stephintoronto I would love it. let me know when you do, and I'll follow back. Can't wait!


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