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Thanks for stopping by,
Princess Steph

Friday, October 10, 2008

2 Beauty Products that I can't live with out!

I am a product hore. Yes, a product junkie is not strong enough. I have products everywhere. I love skin creams and potions and lotions and shampoos and conditioners and promises of shiny hair and not shiny skin, clear pale facial skin and dark non-sun touched dark legs. You name it, I have probably tried it. I currently have a huge filing cabinet full of product, not to mention under my sink in my bathroom, under my kitchen sink and if the truth be told in one drawer in my kitchen. Its an illness. As part of my decluttering initiative, I am getting rid of the stuff that I am not using or is old. this is really making me look at the products that I love. In my new list vein, I thought that I would start to list them here. Please let us remember that I have uber sensitive skin, rosacea, reactive and oh yes, let us not forget, adult acne from hell on my chin. so pretty, its disgusting. So, drum roll please.......the first two things that I love both from Dermalogica:
Ode to the Daily Resurfacer. These are a miracle in a finger condom. They are packaged in one dose packages (perfect for travelling) and they are min-peels. I love them. I have too sensitive skin to use them everyday, and so I use them at night every 3 days or so. Love love love them. My skin feels softer and is clearer and better. I can't get this from a regular exfoliating. I really like them and even though you will have sticker shock, I think that they are $97 for 35 of them, they are worth every penny.

My other most recent can't live without is the Concealing Spot Treatment also from Dermalogica. I need everything that I use to be travel and carry on friendly so check on that front, but more importantly, this works. It is great. I went to my fabulous facialist at Gee Beauty in Toronto (they are great by the by) and spoke to her about my recently horrible skin and she recommended this. her big thing is that not only is this a concealer, but it also is a drying agent and is a healer. Unlike other "spot treatments" that are just dryers, this actually penetrates the skin and promotes healing. A whole bunch of mumble jumble you ask??? Well it works, so I am not judging the pitch. I also like that you can use it 4-5 times a day if you want and not worry about your skin flaking off. It also feels like it works. All good things if you ask me.

As I continue on the purging and pairing down mission, I assume that more things will come out of the wood work as things that I can't live without. These are just the first two.

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