Thanks for visiting my little blog, Please note that this is my online diary, thoughts & feelings expressed on this blog are mine & mine alone. I hope that you will take the time to comment & tell me what you think about the things that I write. If you do not wish to know what I am thinking in my tiny little head then please do not read on, but I will not apoloize for my spelling (although I'm trying to be better!) or my posts!

Thanks for stopping by,
Princess Steph

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Plus Size Chlothing - dilema

This Princess wears a size 16 or 18 on occasion. I am 5' 10" and am not skinny minny. Recently I have been feeling particularly bad about my body and the state that I have let myself deteriorate to. anyway, in Toronto there are not a lot of stores that cater to woman like myself. yes I can still fit into clothes at the Gap, J Crew or others, they just don't look great.

today i decided to do a bit of shopping.... not for anything big, just some thing new. usually when i am feeling like this buying something new helps. i thought maybe a jacket or sweater or something. nothing extravagant. it was the same thing as usual........go to a size 16 in the usual section, scope out the selection, drool over the tiny size 2 uber cute clothing and move on to the "Plus" or my new favorite wording - "Above Average" - section of a store. all of a sudden block square shirts with no structure, or over designed pieces that have so many pieces and buttons and ribbons attached to them not to mention sequins and pins and wrong and looks absolutely ridiculous. why oh why can't they make the same clothes that are down the hall of the exact same store in a bigger size. i don't understand.

this infuriates me. it makes me insane. what the f+++. am i a leper who does not deserve to wear real clothes that are cute and stylish????

needless to say i didn't buy anything but again I was faced with my million dollar idea - a clothing line. the clothing line would be affordable, fashionable, sizes 12 and up, and not potato sacks. the first pieces would include:

- black single breasted suit, jacket at hips, bootcut lined pants, knee length skirt
- some fun blazers/jackets in grey/black
- excellent jeans and black pants
- wrap dresses (of course)
- some fab bar tops
- a black sequins blazer, single breasted (this is a piece that I saw today, and loved the idea of it)

so the idea for it is in my head, i just have to figure out how to do it. this my dear self is the challenge.........

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