Thanks for visiting my little blog, Please note that this is my online diary, thoughts & feelings expressed on this blog are mine & mine alone. I hope that you will take the time to comment & tell me what you think about the things that I write. If you do not wish to know what I am thinking in my tiny little head then please do not read on, but I will not apoloize for my spelling (although I'm trying to be better!) or my posts!

Thanks for stopping by,
Princess Steph

Monday, May 5, 2008


It has been a long time since I have been here and written and much to my surprise I miss it. I have been having a rough couple of weeks with having finally committed to taking an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety drug - Cipralex. I have found that my body and mind feels slightly out of wack. I know that it will take a while for it to really start working. I have found so far that my major side effect is that I have been overheating a bit too much which has lead to a lot of sweating. Its a bit gross and I am not enjoying the sweating, but am committed to making it work. I can't wait to start feeling a bit better. As I understand it, I will not feel "up" all the time, but rather the ups and downs will even out a bit. The other thing that I am counting on is that I start to feel less anxious and that I start sleeping a bit more. Here's hoping........

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