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Thanks for stopping by,
Princess Steph

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Having a baby on your own

I met a girlfriend of mine for dinner last night who just turned 40 in January. The last time we had met up for a walk we had chatted a lot about the fact that we were both single and what that meant to us. Granted she is 8 years older than I am, but our objectives of meeting someone and having children are the same, hers are a bit more pressing than mine given her age.

Anyway, in January we chatted about how she was looking into a sperm bank and was telling me all about the process. She had found one in the States that sounded perfect - ivy league, references (both medical and personal) checked, job status and resume verified, I even listened to the voice of her top two contenders on her computer doing an MP3 interview. I think that she mentioned that it was $600 to $800 to have it properly shipped and delivered to her. She was also going through a whole series of fertility tests to make sure that everything was ok and that she could actually get pregnant. I was very supportive and very interested. This is one of my girlfriends that I look at and wonder why she is single?? and if she is single I am destine to be single for ever!!!

Anyway fast forward a few months and we had had a few conversations, chatted a bit, been to a concert together, but not really spent one on one time together. So were thirty minutes into dinner and she's SEVEN WEEKS PREGNANT!!!! It is so exciting! I can't believe that she did it. She is so brave. I am so proud of her. I only hope that one day she can give me enough strength to do it myself if I need to!

I have promised that I will be there for her unconditionally to help however I can. I wish her all the strength and support of a village. It's going to take all of us to help her raise this baby!


Anonymous said...

interesting to read this as i am turning 40 next year and have decided to go ahead and have a baby on my own.. im in australia ..and i didnt realise it is so cheap to buy sperm.. someone told me its 10,000 dollars.. could you ask your friend which company she went through to get sperm??? and how she went about it etc.. what a wonderful brave woman..

kind regards fiona

PrincessSteph said...


I will for sure find out the name and post it here. I am sorry that you did not leave your e-mail address. If you send it to me, maybe I can put you in contact with her. E-mail it to me at stephintoronto at hotmil dot com



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