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Thanks for stopping by,
Princess Steph

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Alfred Hitchcock Inspiration

I had forgotten that Vanity Fair had done such a fabulous piece on Alfred Hitchcock in February of this year and I absolutely loved it. I hope that I kept the issue and didn't make it part of the purge that I did in the spring. Anyway, I went searching online for some of the issues and came across all of the images on and have borrowed them for here. They were so well done. Essentially they had modern day actors and actresses recreate scenes from some of his key movies. They were excellent.

Has it re-invigorated my thoughts on the event and what the heck I am going to wear??? NO. But it has given me some thoughts on where I might go in terms of just feeling the 1940's - 1950's secretary vibe. I have been watching a lot of Mad Men lately and have been feeling like that is a good vibe. Problem arises that it is a black tie (very black tie) affair. Let the search begin/continue.
North by Northwest:
Strangers on a Train:
To Catch a Thief:
The Birds:
Dial M for Murder:
Rear Window:
A bit more inspiration is coming from the very hairsprayed hair, high neck collars, knee length pencil skirts, that whole feel. I am also hearting the skirt from the Rear Window scene. I think I need to rent it to check out what Grace Kelly wore in the film. So glam and fabulous. The hair is also and issue. Luckily I have a bit of time.

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